Leisure Volgograd → Hotels
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Hotel «Tourist». Econom class.
Address: Vogograd, Chuikov`s street, 73.
Telephone: +7 (8442) 23 97 00, +7 (8442) 23 12 43.
Price per night: from 45 EUR.
Capacity: 173 rooms.
Categories of the rooms: single, double, studio, econom, luxe.We book rooms without extra payment (by the hotel prices).
The hotel situates from 30 minutes driving from down town. The price does not include the breakfast. The hotel is ideal for traveling students.
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Two-day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour
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Three-day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour
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Tour to Rossoshka: German and Soviet military cemeteries
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Tour to Kalach-on-Don - the city of military Glory
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Panoramic museum "The Battle of Stalingrad"
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