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Two-day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour

With transportation Bus tour
Walking tour Walking tour
Private tour Individual tour
Group tour Group tour
Duration 2-day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour

Price: On request

Two-day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour 

1st day

10.00 Sightseeing city tour "Hero-city Volgograd" with visit all sights including main war memorial Mamayev Kurgan (height #102.0). Duration 4 hours. During the excursion you will also visit Museum Memory - the last headquarters of the 6th German Army and a place of general-field marshall Friedrich Paulus's surrender in the basement of central department store - Univermag.

14.00 Grain elevator. During the Battle of Stalingrad, one particularly well-defended Soviet strong point was known simply as "the Grain Elevator" and was strategically important. This imposing building in the southern part of Stalingrad became a graveyard for hundreds of soldiers on both sides in September 1942 when the Germans tried to take it and in January 1943 when the Russians retook it.

15.30 Visit of the panoramic-museum "The Battle of Stalingrad" and exhibition "Weapon of Victory" at the open air. This is one of the biggest WWII museums in the world with hundreds of unique exhibits, including Sword of Stalingrad - the gift of British King George the VI, Vasily Zaitsev’s rifle and a huge panoramic canvas. We comment on the most interesting exhibits and answer your questions. 

18.00 Transfer to the hotel. Free time.

2nd day

10.00 Tour to the northern part of Volgograd with visit factory area. This is made up of three factories: the Red October factory, the Barrikady gun factory and the Tractor Plant. The final German attack in this area was followed by the Russian counter-attack in November 1942. On the main square of the Tractor factory you will see the monument to the founder NKVD Felix Dzerzhinsky and also the last legendary T-34 tank which was manufactured here. Near the Red October Factory you will see the defense line which nowadays marked with 19 tank turrets in the city. All this makes clear how close were the Germans to the Volga.

After visit to the Lyudnikov's Island. This island was a small piece of land held by Lyudnikov’s 138th Rifle Division in November 1942. The division within 40 days was surrounded by the enemy from three sides and from the fourth side by Volga river. So this little scrap of land, 700 meters wide and 400 meters in depth, entered the history of the Battle of Stalingrad as Lyudnikov's Island. The whole story is incredible but true. The ruins of the divisional command post still remain behind the Barrikady Gun factory.

12.00 Tour to Rossoshka reconciliation ensemble in 35 km outside the city is an impressive memorial of the former enemies now seeking for reconciliation: Soviet and German military cemeteries. The German side also includes new cemetery (October 2015) where today buried over 2000 Romanian soldiers and officers. Here you will see the rest of German blindages, trenches and would have chance to find some souvenirs. Visit of the Gumrak railway station on the way to Rossoshka.

15.00 Tour to Soldiers' Field on the outskirts of the city with its touching story about the girl who never received her father's last letter. The sight is also a perfect view of the city defense line. The main composition of the memorial is a bronze sculpture of a girl, rushes to the common grave of Soviet soldiers, whose remains were found in mine field. In the center of the memorial - a funnel in the form of a five-pointed star, which rises from the bottom of "explosion" of cemented shells and shrapnel bombs, shells and mines. It is a symbol of the last explosion of the second world war.

16.00 On the back way visit of the Gorodishche settlement and its church where during the battle Germans had one of the hospitals. The walls of the church speak for themselves.

17.00 Boat trip by Volga river - the longest and widest river of Europe. You will see the panorama of city from the Volga. Duration 1 Hour.

18.00 Visiting of souvenir and antique stores. Transfer to the hotel. Free time.

In the evening we can recommend restaurants with Russian, Cossack, Ukrainian, Italian, Georgian cuisine, as well as steak houses with dishes cooked at open fire.

The price includes:

  • transportation services;
  • skilled tour guide-interpreter;
  • all entrance tickets.

We also provide:

  • Russian visa support (for free if the tour already ordered);
  • Hotel reservations;
  • Transportation services (airport-hotel-airport, railway station-hotel, or delivery from or to nearby towns etc);


3 steps to order one of our Stalingrad battlefield tours:

  • Email your request for a tour;
  • Specify the terms and the tour you would like to;
  • Get the invitation and a hotel voucher from us to apply for Russian visa in the nearest consulate of Russia.


Going to visit Volgograd city in 2024-2025 or later? Contact us!
Our tour guides will take care you won't be lost. We provide ground services in Volgograd from meeting in airport, transportation, accommodation at the hotel, guidance during the tour program including the purchase of entrance tickets to museums etc., recommendation of restaurants and other assistance during your stay in legendary city earlier known as Stalingrad. We will advise you the best places to eat, souvenir stores, night clubs as well as accompany you there. We'll take care of everything for what you can worry about.